Saturday, 13 November 2010

Hire Band Or DJ For Your Special Event?

By David Hill

There are three certainties in life: Death, taxes, and the people-drawing power of a live show. Wherever you hire band to play a little Rock and Roll for the people, you can always expect a crowd to gather.

Now obviously, it helps to get the best band you can find to come throw down some Rock and Roll for the people, but the truth is, people will come to see a band that's not even all that great because, what the heck, it's entertainment, so a GOOD band is icing on the cake.

Music has always been an integral piece of the development of the human race. Ever since the dawn of man, we were using music to commemorate successful hunts, to mark rituals, to call the troops to combat or to sport, and today we still use Rock and Roll to get ourselves going in the morning, we use soft songs to get to sleep after a stressful day, we hire bands to mark the occasion at weddings.

The most important aspect of music is its social element. Like we said: Where there's music, there will always be people. Without Elvis Presley and Frank Sinatra, we highly doubt that the baby boom would have been such a big boom.

A live show always draws a crowd because people know that they can always meet new people there. A company picnic is just a company picnic, and people might or might not show up. A company picnic with a live band is another story entirely. People show up because that, even if the music turns out to not be their scene, they can at least expect to meet some new business contacts, make some new friends, get more closely acquainted with their associates, and who knows, maybe meet a nice girl/guy in the process.

You need a good lure to bring in the people, and when hosting an event, running a business, or really doing anything that can benefit from a social atmosphere and big crowds, bringing music to the people is always a great way to bring the people to you.

A live band ensures guaranteed attendance. Obviously, the better the band, the better the turnout, but like we said, any music at all will net you a crowd.

As far as great lures go, the advertising and public relations industries have yet to top the drawing power of live music. - 42265

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