Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Sites With Killer MP3 Streaming

By Carl Lloyd

If you are an audiophile that loves music, the idea of getting any song anytime may intrigue you. If the entire world of song opened itself up to you as your personal library, there would probably be a significant level of enjoyment above what you've had access to in the past. The thing is, this type of access has been available for a while now. The problem is that there is a lot of music out there that you'd have to find and somehow purchase where you can or download and then sort and organize. There haven't been effective ways to learn of new artists and music on a regular enough basis. Enter sites like Pandora and Grooveshark and combine those with devices that have some excellent access to internet technology and bandwidth, and you now have an entire music or audio library at your fingertips.

The iPhone and iPods are device that easily influence the way we thought of digital music. Without going into an extensive history, these devices have internet access either through wifi or through the networks. Access to the internet is a critical point in getting your music anytime, anywhere. Of course, even without this, there are a lot of options for syncing those devices to include literally thousands of songs or other audio content.

Another set of devices that you may be very successful with when it comes to getting your streamed audio is the Android platform. These are devices that tend to have a very clean look and feel to them with a lot of options for customization that the iPhone and iPods don't necessarily offer. Many of the devices are manufactured in conjunction with Google who is the producer of the operating system that runs these devices. There will always be a varied opinion on them, but after trying these, many people have been swayed to a new phone and new OS.

The iPad is interesting as it doesn't necessarily fit the traditional idea of a media player, at least not audio or music media. It seems much more at home to streaming video or even playing video from the library. The audio side of this especially for mobility doesn't make nearly as much sense. The idea of carrying around one of these in your pocket while walking around town isn't really something you'll see many people do. It does have everything it needs, however, to stream the audio through various programs, programs developed by the companies running these sites, such as Pandora and Grooveshark.

iPads are not without their own competition in the "tablet" or "pad" market. There are other devices produced by both Microsoft and also manufacturers that use the Android platform. Samsung is one of these and the market will continue to grow based on this demand. Streaming audio on these devices will rely on the internet connection and speed as well as the application itself that is required to run. In some cases this may be a browser, in other cases, it may be a specific app that plays internet radio or one that is custom to a specific site or service has developed.

Pandora is one of these great websites that has capitalized on a demand in the marketplace and done well to provide a great service. That said, they have some competition as well. They are not alone in this arena. Not all of their competitors will do things the right way with the record companies, but that doesn't necessarily mean they don't or won't have competition. Pandora is an idea that you select which song, artist or album you like, then as Pandora plays other songs it is programmed to select for you, you provide feedback and based on that feedback will customize additional songs that match the genre or other characteristics of what you've selected. It's a "smart" site that does well to introduce you to new music you may have never come across before.

Grooveshark is a site similar to Pandora in that it has the ability to make recommendations on new songs. I am not sure how extensive it is with this programming as I tend to get stuck on the other features of Grooveshark which is to allow you access to basically any mp3 artist, song, album that you want and then add this to your own personal playlist. It's like an online playlist where the entire world of song / audio is your library. Pretty cool if you ask me.

In conclusion, the portable devices themselves have a great likelihood of improving the music or audio scene for anyone with the right device, the right amount of bandwidth, and the right service or site that delivers up the goods. People will tend to form opinions on any number of different aspects of the devices and services. The best thing to do may be to try these out and see what you like or may not like.

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