Saturday, 11 December 2010

Employment of the music video camera man

By Herman Chapman

To be a cameraman is a very rewarding experience. Setting up the lights, painting a picture in the frame and moving the camera to different angles is challenging yet creative. The outcome of your work once edited and put together-if done right, can have an amazing impact on the audience.

To see your audience has been affected the way you wanted them is a treat as a cameraman. When the audience feels how you want them to after watching your movie, a sense of accomplishment arises within. The blood, sweat and tears that are poured into creating a movie are well worth it when the movie is said and done.

To be a cameraman means that you have to creatively design a picture in the frame-which is incredibly difficult if you think about all the aspects in the shot that have to become unified-lights, props, the whole ambiance of the shot, have to be captured appropriately. To be able to unify all these elements takes a well-trained eye and good, creative vision.

Showing up to work early and staying late are a standard procedure in a cameraman's job because it takes so long to prep a camera. Sometimes, a cameraman ends up taking longer than anyone else in the crew because of prep-time. Bigger cameras are more delicate than smaller ones and come with a lot smaller pieces. Every piece of the camera has its own case-which means more to watch over.

Normally, cameras are rented for productions, and each camera comes with many little pieces, each with their own case. For this reason, the cameraman and all the various camera assistants must show up to work early and stay late. Every little piece must be accounted for and nothing can be lost or damaged otherwise it's considered the production's fault.

Getting your "foot in the door" as a cameraman (or any crew member for that matter) is incredibly hard and requires a lot of time, persistence and ambition. Being able to operate and put together numerous cameras is an important skill to acquire in your camera career as well so you can be quick and efficient getting ready to shoot every day of the production. Lagging is bad in production work because there is never any time to waste. The quicker and more efficient you are at putting cameras together and operating them, the more jobs you'll attain.

Creativity and perseverance are key in this industry. The more creative, outspoken and efficient you are, the more people are going to want to work with you. Knowledge of the cameras you work with is also key, as you should know at least a little bit about all cameras currently in the industry.

Half of the game is just meeting other camera people and networking. The Head Prop Master for Warner Bros. once told me, "In this industry, it's good to be nice to everyone because you never know when you may need someone even like a plumber. What if one of the toilets on set break onE day? You'll know whom to call, and he might even give you a discount! Happened to me!"

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