Saturday, 11 December 2010

Where Can We Search For Videos That Are Convertible to MP3 Format?

By Peter Nguyen

As we take a look on our technology today, everything is processed by computers and are designed by humans for their satisfaction and for us to work easier. All of us love to hear music and watch our favorite videos on different websites. Every month there are new devices coming out that allow you to multitask when on the go. You can bring with you when you are jogging and listen to your favorite songs using mp3 players or other similar devices, such as an Iphone or iPod. As you go through with this article it will teach you some techniques on how to convert videos to mp3 and where can you get those videos.

Youtube videos are convertible to any format which any device can play. There are so many available websites there that converts files; it converts youtube videos into your desired format. You can use youtube to search your favorite videos and you can add these videos to your own account if you are not yet ready to convert this file and download to your computer.

The videos in these sites can also be converted into different format you want. Mostly they are .flv (flash video) format that other media player does not support and besides you cannot download it directly without using an application tool. Because of these, lots of websites and applications are now available for converting videos into different extension and that is supported by the devices they have. The process of this is simple enough and can be done in a short while.

You need to have the file to be converted or the link of the video you want to convert (i.e. This example is from youtube and as we know it is the best site for videos. You can also search some videos from the sites you know.

Now that you have copied the link (which is the URL of the video you have selected). Look for an application that can convert it in any format. You have two options there in converting video files. One option here is converting using a desktop application ? which converts video one, two, three or more videos at a time. It is great if you the serial key of your application so that you can use it?s fully function. Another option is to convert your videos from websites. Look for a site that meets your requirements need and can convert into the file output you want.

In converting videos using websites, they have steps and procedure to follow just like any other. Only copy and paste the URL you have selected just like the example above on the exact field. Choose your format to use as an output of the file as they have more option for you to select. After that click Start or Convert and it will take a minute to complete. It will automatically prompt you that conversion is done and ask you to check your email for the direction on how to download the converted file into your computer.

Conversion using either of the two options has both advantage and disadvantage and it will depend on you to which to do you prefer to use. When you are using application in converting, it is good when you are converting large numbers of videos because it can convert more than one file at a time, which is the advantage of it. Disadvantage in terms that it is very hassle and as I mentioned above not fully functional unless it is paid. While you are using website in conversion it can only convert one file at a time. It is advantage to those people who forgot to bring their saving device where the installer of the application program is saved. Well this is the best option to this situation.

When done in conversion, visit your email account and check for the instruction on how to download the file into your computer. Download it by following the steps. Now check the file if it is functioning normally. Play the file in any media player. If the file plays, then you have successfully converted it. But if not maybe there something wrong with the website or there are things you forgot to follow, try again until you get satisfied with the output. Keep in mind that the file comes from the video you have selected. If the video is in good quality then the output should be good also. You can compare the result of different websites and select the best of all.

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